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Diverse success stories of the Goat Project

Story upon story illustrates how one goat can change the lives of an entire West African family. Through the Goat Project, each child is provided with a female goat, a school uniform, shoes, a school bag, books, pens and pencils. The Goat Project gives female goats to children to raise with the hope and expectation that the goats will multiply and their offspring sold to provide for their school-related needs.

A story is told by a single mother of four who became a widow upon her husband’s death in tribal conflict. She received a goat for her eldest daughter when the child was of junior high age. Within a short time, the goat had produced 10 offspring. The family was able to sell some of the kids to finance the daughter’s high school education. She went on to achieve high grades. Now she is ready to enrol for her tertiary education.

  • Yasanja is the only son of a poor widow, and he received a goat from the Goat Project. The animal produced six kids, and his mother sold five of them to purchase a cow. Yasanja and all his siblings are now able to afford to go to school. What’s more, they are planning to pay it forward and donate a young goat to another family in need.
  • Yajason Nakon was given a goat eight years ago when he was in primary school. His goat had three kids right away and continued to produce kids every year. Yajason is able to buy everthing he needs for school. This year he is going to enter secondary school and his goats have already paid for his school shoes, socks, bag and a bicycle.
  • Another child, Habiba, was 12 years old and full of excitement when she received her goat – the first thing she had ever owned! Habiba’s parents confessed that they had planned to withdraw her from school as they could no longer afford the fees. But Habiba’s goat arrived at just the right time and she is continuing her education.

Widow Testimonials

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