My name is Fatuma Abdi. I am the mother of six children and we live…

My name is Sara Goa from Dabel. My husband died after he became sick from inflammation of the throat. Since there is no medical care in the village, the inflammation eventually killed him as it affected his brain. My husband was the sole provider for our family. He did all kinds of menial jobs to ensure that we did not go to bed hungry.
Because of our difficulties in trying to survive after his death, my children became weak, malnourished, had enlarged tummies, suffered stunted growth, and had dry skin and eyes. Thankfully, during this darkest period of my life, the Goat Project came, and I was lucky to be among the few goat beneficiaries. I received two beautiful Galla she-goats with big udders. The two she-goats are four months’ pregnant and are to give birth next month. The nutritious goat’s milk will help restore the health of my two youngest children, Mariam, and Ali. With the money we get from selling the extra goat’s milk we will buy food and school uniforms. Thanks so much for blessing me with the she-goats and I hope to bless Mama Aram, a fellow widow, with the two first kids from the she-goats.