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I am Molu Dahabo Isaac from Dabel, Moyale. I am 45 years old, and I have four children, Kulani, Amene, Abdii and Baati. My husband tragically succumbed to Ebola in 2018. He experienced severe muscle pain, headache and vomited relentlessly from his mouth and nose till his last breath. His death left me in distress and a state of confusion since I had no source of income. My children’s uniforms were torn, and they lacked books, pens and other school needs, though I am very grateful to Dabel Junior School, which has stood with us and continued to offer free education despite all my children’s difficulties. Getting food for my family was challenging and we depended on donations, and picked wild fruits and bitter herbs. Due to the biting hunger, my children have lost weight and their thin, malnourished bodies are too weak to do any heavy tasks.

The Goat Project team showed me their love and support by giving me two goats. The relief they brought to our lives is unimaginable. My children were so happy they danced in joy when they saw these two she-goats. The two goats are already pregnant and once they deliver their kids next month, I shall donate one to Mariam, who is also a widow. The milk I get will be sold and the money will help me buy flour, maize and the children’s school uniforms. I am grateful to you for remembering me and getting me out of misery.

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