My name is Fatuma Abdi. I am the mother of six children and we live in Moyale. I lost my husband a year ago after he had suffered from cancer for several years. The bill for the hospital and medication…
My name is Fatuma Abdi. I am the mother of six children and we live in Moyale. I lost my husband a year ago after he had suffered from cancer for several years. The bill for the hospital and medication…
My name is Aisha Al-Fadi. I am a widow and the mother of four children. My husband was attacked and killed by hyenas three years ago while on duty as village herdsman. He was our only source of income and…
My name is Sara Goa from Dabel. My husband died after he became sick from inflammation of the throat. Since there is no medical care in the village, the inflammation eventually killed him as it affected his brain. My husband…
My name is Amina Hussein, and I am from Moyale, Marsabit County. I am a 53-year-old widow and mother of ten children. Unknown cattle rustlers killed my husband four months ago. He was found dead with a poisoned arrow in…
My name is Asha from Ngare Mara in Isiolo County. I am a widow, a mother of six children and I am pregnant with my seventh child. My husband died after battling Covid-19 for three weeks. Before his death, he…
My name is Saleti Shukana from Dabel in Moyale. I am 50 years old, and I have seven children. My first-born daughter died, leaving behind two children, who are also in my care. All my life I depended on my…
My name is Salima, and I am from Dabel. I am 31 years old and second wife of my late husband. He died after suffering a heart attack on the night our livestock were stolen from our homestead by rustlers.…
My name is Saadia Roba from Moyale Sub-County. I lost my husband to severe tuberculosis a year ago. For over six months, my husband’s health grew worse. He lost his appetite, and grew thin and very weak. His breathing became…
My name is Maimuna Abdi, a widow from Moyale Sub-County. My husband worked in the villages of Bute, Guyatimo and Korandile. Unfortunately, owing to an accident along the dangerous road he had to use, he died on his way to…
My name is Amina Abdallah from Dabel in Moyale Sub-County. I lost my husband one year ago when he died at the hands of rebels who ambushed him on his way to work. After my husband’s death, providing for my…