The Goat Project provides a female goat to families.
When the goat produces offspring, some of the kids can be sold at the market while the family can keep some to raise them and benefit from their offspring. The family can then use the proceeds for the children’s school fees and other necessary items to ensure they receive a proper education.
Since its inception, The Goat Project has provided more than 15,000 goats to vulnerable children and their families in Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya.
Goats are versatile, hardy and facilitate a sustainable lifestyle. Goats eat weeds and clear lands, produce milk and cheese, and even produce fibre for yarn.
Story upon story illustrates how one goat can change the lives of an entire West African family. Damata, a young Ghanaian mother, recalls how they didn’t have any food during June and July, which she refers to as their yearly lean period.
In her own words, she says: “We sold one of our goats to buy some maise that sustained us until harvesting time. In, September my daughter was admitted to school, and we were able to pay her school fees by selling two of the young goats. We as a family are very thankful for The Goat Project!”
For only $29,50, you can put the motion of positive change into effect. Helping one family with one goat will trigger a chain reaction of education from generation to generation.