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Africa’s most populous country

The seventh most populous country in the world

YET Nigeria has the largest poor population in Sub-Saharan Africa

This silent crisis is caused by:

Lack of access to safe water and sanitation

Rising food insecurity

Disruption of basic services due to conflict

Poor knowledge of healthy feeding practices for infants and young children

Every minute, 44 Indians rise above the extreme poverty line as six Nigerians fall below it

The nominal poor man in Nigeria

An individual is considered poor in Nigeria when they have an availability of less than 137.4 thousand Nigerian Naira (roughly 361 U.S. dollars) per year.

Reasons for Poverty in Nigeria

Unemployment (especially among young graduates) and education

  • Many offices hire solely by preference, not by merit
  • The fact that you are an educated Nigerian is no guarantee that you will be employed
  • According to the World Bank report, unemployment in Africa is higher among those who have attained a higher education
  • Many graduates in Nigeria wander the streets without anything reasonable to do for a living. The government is capable but unwilling to provide jobs for them
  • Employment in Nigeria depends on how connected you are with people that have power
  • This leaves many highly qualified people in poverty as seemingly no one cares to know what they are capable of achieving
  • The number of quality jobs in the economy is low

Unemployment and Oil

A major cause

Only a Fraction

The oil industry employs only a fraction of the population.

Oil Production

People tend to focus more on oil production rather than a variety of other industries


Agriculture, however, contributes to about 17% of GDP, and employs about 30% of the population.

Poorly distribution

Oil revenue is poorly distributed among the population, with higher government spending in urban areas than rurally.


For only $29,50, you can put the motion of positive change into effect. Helping one family with one goat will trigger a chain reaction of education from generation to generation.

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