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One Goat

can change a life


The Goat Project

The Goat Project provides a female goat to families. The family’s children are encouraged to take ownership of the goat’s wellbeing and make sure that it is fed, healthy and happy.


36.1% of its population lives below the international poverty line


Ghana is a country in West Africa with Accra as its capital and largest city.


Nigeria has the largest poor population in Sub-Saharan Africa



For only $29,50, you can put the motion of positive change into effect. Helping one family with one goat will trigger a chain reaction of education from generation to generation.

Slide The Great Need Nearly half the population of Africa lives in rural villages and are dependent on farming and agriculture. Forty percent of Africa’s population live below the US$1.90-a-day poverty line and Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for two-thirds of the world’s extreme poor population.

Maybe now is a good time to revisit your assumptions about 16% of the world’s population.

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The Goat Project

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